Salt Water Sole

What are Salt Sole?

These diamond-like crystals of natural Himalayan CrystalSalt contain trace minerals essential for life. Used for making Sole, a daily infusion of energy balancing elixir. A highly effective product for the normalizing of mineralization in the human body.

How To Make Various Concentrations of
Sole Solution For Various Applications

Percentage of Solution Amount of Crystal Salt Amount of Water Application
1% Sole Solution 1/2 tsp. (2g) 7 ounces Water For Eyes & Nose
2 tsps. (10g) 34 ounces Water For Inhalation
1 Kilo (2.2 lbs.) 26 gallons /Full bath tub For Sole Bathing
2% Sole Solution 4 tsps. (20g) 34 ounces Water For Inhalation
2 Kilos (4.5 lbs.) 26 gallons /Full bath tub For Sole Bathing
3% Sole Solution 6 tsps. (30g) 34 ounces Water For Inhalation
3 Kilos (6.6 lbs.) 26 gallons /Full bath tub For Sole Bathing
10% Sole Solution 6 tsps. (100g) 34 ounces Water For Partial Bathing
12 tsps (200g) 2 quarts Water For Partial Bathing

Why you should switch to Pink Himalayan Salt?

There are many awesome health benefits of Himalayan salt, with the following as some of my favorites.

1. Improves Respiratory Problems

According to the Lung Institute, salt is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, loosens excessive mucus and speeds up mucus clearance, removes pathogens in the air like pollen, and decreases IgE level (immune system oversensitivity). (7) If you Google “Himalayan salt cave,” you see that there are now salt caves made of Himalayan salt all over the country (and world) so people can experience the beneficial health effects, especially when it comes to the respiratory system.

There is actually a term for this type of natural treatment. It’s called halotherapy. Derived from the Greek word for salt, “halos,” halotherapy or salt therapy is the inhalation of micronized dry salt within a chamber that mimics a salt cave. Studies have shown halotherapy to be a highly effective drug-free part of successfully treating chronic bronchitis. (8)

2. Balances Body’s pH

Pink Himalayan sea salt’s rich mineral content can help balance your body’s pH levels. You may think this is no big deal, but when your pH has a healthy acid-to-alkaline ratio, it makes a huge difference in your overall health. A proper pH helps foster your immunity and encourage good digestion. Since pink Himalayan salt contains sodium as well as other electrolytes, it has a direct effect on the pH of your blood.

3. Natural Digestive Aid

You can use pink Himalayan salt to make your own sole, a saturated solution containing purified water and Himalayan salt. Sole is very similar to my salt water flush recipe, in which you can use pink Himalayan salt to help you obtain all the many possible benefits of a salt water flush.

According to natural health practitioners like Dr. Mark Sircus, an acupuncturist and doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine, a dose of sole each day can really help the digestive system in major ways. He says that “daily use of sole is believed to stimulate the peristalsis of the digestive organs, balance the stomach acid, support the production of digestive fluids in the liver and pancreas, regulate the metabolism and harmonize the acid-alkaline balance.” (9)

4. Air Purifier

When pink Himalayan salt is used to create a lamp, it just may provide your home or office with cleaner air. One of the main Himalayan salt lamp benefits is its supposed ability clean the air. How? By its inherent nature as a salt, the lamp (which is a block of pure pink Himalayan salt) attracts water vapor to it as well as air pollutants. The water vapor evaporates due the lamp’s heat, but the dust and allergens remain in the salt instead of getting into your body. (10)

5. Better Sleep Inducer

Himalayan sea salt is said to help encourage better, more restful sleep due to its high mineral content. It may be hard to believe, but eating enough salt in your diet daily is actually key to a good night’s rest as a natural sleep aid.

Research way back in 1989 showed that low-sodium diets can cause disturbed and irregular sleep patterns. The study was small, but the results were very interesting. Subjects on low-sodium diets (around 500 milligrams a day) woke up during the night almost twice as often and got about 10 percent less sleep than those on a normal diet (2,000 milligrams of sodium a day). A high-sodium diet (5,000 milligrams a day) led to even longer sleep than the normal diet with fewer nighttime wakings.

As Dr. Michael V. Vitiello, the director of the Sleep and Aging Research Program at the University of Washington in Seattle, keenly points out, “low levels of sodium in the blood cause blood volume to decrease, and the sympathetic nervous system becomes more active in order to compensate. That causes sleepers to wake up more often and have difficulty going back to sleep.” (11)

I’m not encouraging you to go wild with the salt at your next meal, but it’s good to know that avoiding salt completely or not getting enough in your diet on a regular basis may cause or contribute to your sleep troubles.

Additional health benefits of Himalayan salt may include: (12)

  • Regulation of the water levels within the body for proper overall functioning
  • Helping reduce common signs of aging
  • Encouraging healthy blood sugar levels
  • Promoting cellular energy creation
  • Reducing cramping (like leg cramps)
  • Improving the absorption of nutrients from foods
  • Aiding vascular health
  • Lowering the incidence of sinus problems and promoting overall sinus health
  • Providing circulatory support
  • Improving bone strength
  • Fostering a healthy libido
  • Promoting kidney and gallbladder health in comparison to chemically treated table salt

History of Pink Himalayan Salt 

As I said, the history of pink Himalayan salt is very, very long, dating back to Earth’s creation. Himalayan salt comes from the Salt Range, which is a hill system in the Punjab province of Pakistan. It gets its name from its extensive deposits of rock salt. Geologists are especially interested in the Salt Range because it contains the most complete geologic sequence in the world with rocks exposed in continual order from the early Cambrian Times (about 540 million years ago) to the Pleistocene Epoch (about 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago). (13)

The Salt Range is said to have gone untouched for millions of years until 1849. That’s when Dr. Warth, a British mining engineer, helped design and construct a tunnel into the Salt Range to reach the salt deposits. His “pillar and chamber” way of mining is a technique still used today that requires the removal of half of salt while the other half is left behind as structural support for the mine.

Fast-forward to current times. The salt mine now covers approximately 43 square miles and tunnels about a half mile into the mountain. How much salt is still there? The salt still in the region is estimated to be somewhere between 80 million tons to 600 million tons.

Pink Himalayan Salt Precautions

You should always store salt in an airtight, covered container in a cool, dry place to keep it at its best. Make sure your pink Himalayan salt comes from Pakistan, which is the only true source of real Himalayan salt. I would stay away from any “Himalayan salt” that’s sold at too low of a price. This may be a sign that the salt was collected from higher elevations rather from the deeper, more pure salt mines. The salts from these higher levels are more likely to contain impurities, which makes them less health-promoting.

Since pink Himalayan salt contains so many minerals, it’s more beneficial to the body, but as a salt, it’s still naturally high in sodium. So as with any salt, you don’t want to overdo it. Getting too much sodium in the diet (especially with not enough potassium to balance things out) can lead to high blood pressure for some people. It can also lead to a concerning buildup of fluid in people with congestive heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver or kidney disease. (14)




8 Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps

1. Cleanses and Deodorizes the Air
Himalayan pink salt lamps help clean the air through an operation called hygroscopy, which attracts and absorbs contaminated water molecules from the immediate environment and locks them into the salt crystal. The process has the amazing ability to remove cigarette smoke, dust and other contaminants from the air. This benefit is particularly popular, as salty air acts as an overall health booster and can help clear the air passages.

2. Reduces Allergy and Asthma Symptoms
Himalayan salt lamps are believed to filter dust, mold, mildew and pet dander from indoor air. Just as a nasal saline spray uses salt to clear airways, they help to relieve allergy symptoms of all kinds. Those who struggle with asthma also claim to benefit from Himalayan salt. It is such an effective breathing aid that certain manufacturers have produced Himalayan salt inhalers targeted toward sufferers of asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory issues.

3. Eases Coughing
When the Himalayan salt lamp heats up and begins its hygroscopic cycling of airborne particles, it also changes the charge of the molecules which are released. (Remember our chemistry lesson?) The majority of homes are filled with positively charged ions which aren’t particularly good for a person’s health. The positive ions are created by a number of things, but the primary source for most of us is from our electronics.

One of the health detriments of breathing lots of positive ions in the air is that the cilia (microscopic hairs) which line the trachea (aka: windpipe) become sluggish and don’t work as well to keep contaminants out of our lungs. As a Himalayan pink salt lamp absorbs water and particles from the air, it also takes positive ions with them. Then, when the heated salt releases cleansed water vapor back into the air, it also expels negative ions which have the opposite effect on our airways – increasing cilial activity to keep your lungs clear.

What all this means in a nut shell: Besides removing contaminants from the air, Himalayan pink salt lamps also help your body to filter air more efficiently so any foreign particles you do happen to breathe won’t make it into your lungs.

4. Increase Work Productivity and Concentration

Exposure to negative air ions reduces stress and enhances overall performance. Negative ions increase blood and oxygen supplies to the brain, making Himalayan salt lamps great at improving concentration. They also provide a boost of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which literally creates the feeling of happiness.


5. Neutralize Electromagnetic Radiation
Everyday appliances such as televisions, cell phones, computers and tablets release positive ions into the air constantly. These and other common electronics can cause an overflow of electromagnetic radiation (EM), which, although invisible, is believed to cause some serious long-term effects. Constant exposure to EM radiation is known primarily to cause fatigue, increase stress and weaken the immune system. Himalayan salt lamps emit negative ions and cancel out positive ones. Therefore, by neutralizing electromagnetic radiation, they help reduce artificial frequencies and even prevent static buildup.

6. Better Sleep

Over-exposure to positive ions reduces the brain’s blood and oxygen supply, which can lead to irregular sleeping patterns. The negative ions from a Himalayan salt lamp are said to reverse this effect, making them a popular sleep aid. Also, in direct relation to chromotherapy, the soothing light can help people who suffer from insomnia.

7. Boost Blood Flow
Particular studies have suggested that negative ions, such as those emitted by Himalayan salt lamps, can accelerate blood flow. This boost helps to improve several disorders of the vascular system and can prevent certain damage to the lungs.

8. Reduce Stress and Promote Relaxation
Himalayan salt lamps can be used as an aid in color therapy (chromotherapy), an alternative method of diagnosing and treating a large number of illnesses. They produce a soft light in hues of ambient orange, yellow and red that helps with stress, attention deficit disorder, and general relaxation, among others. The serene light is thought to balance physical, spiritual and emotional energies.

Tips in Using Himalayan Salt Lamps

Lamp Nice

Himalayan Salt Lamps can last forever with proper usage, here are the best practices based from years of experience:

1. Make sure the lamp is the right size for your room– when choosing the size of the Himalayan Salt Lamps, . Smaller rooms (20 Sq meter or smaller) less then 5 kg lamps are sufficient. Bigger rooms (20 sq meters- 30 square meters) 5kg-8 kg lamps are suitable. For bigger than 30 sq meters, multiple lamps can be used.

2. Use the lamps regularly- the Himalayan salt lamps need the warmth of the light, if you’re going to go on vacation, it’s best to put in plastic and keep it. Leaving it exposed will make it moisten.

Added: During rainy seasons, the lamp will moist more so it’s best to use them more often. (the bulbs are usually low wattage bulbs so it’s not consume a lot of electricity)

3. Place the lamps on a good location- Himalayan salt lamps are great night lamps, use it beside your bed BUT make sure the it’s the air-condition unit is not blowing air directly into the lamp.  The lamp needs heat and this will negate the heat produce by the bulb, again this will make the lamp moist.

4. Make sure the lamp is turned off when adjusting its location . This affects the longevity of the bulb inside the bulb.

5.  Don’t use LED bulbs– lamps need heat and LED bulbs don’t generate much heat. For the lamps to be effective,they need bulbs that generate heat- incandescent bulbs is advised (wattage can be a variant depending on its size).

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